The circuits of temperature controllers which are based on thermocouple and other analog devices are often complicated and can't be adjusted easily, because there are so many parts such as cold-junction compensation, A/ D converter and D/ A converter. 以热电偶等模拟测量控制元件为基础的温度控制器,由于冷端温度补偿、A/D转换、D/A转换等环节的存在,使得测量控制电路较为复杂,调试也很麻烦。
Thermocouple Converter Microprocessor Temperature M& C System 利用热电偶转换器的单片机温度测控系统
The paper introduces a thermocouple temperature transmitter which uses linear amplifier, analog multiplier, adder and voltage/ current converter to achieve linear treatment. The linear treatment method and the relative circuit design theory are given. 介绍了一种利用线性放大器、模拟乘法器、加法器及电压/电流转换器实现线性化处理的热电偶温度变送器,给出了线性处理方法及相关的电路设计原理。